Persistence = Staying the course and being unflinching.
The person who believes thoroughly in her or him/self and constantly maintains a positive strong mental attitude of faith and strength of character, is not likely to be disturbed by unpleasant and negative thoughts of disappointment and failure.
Many people have succeeded by just simple faith. It is just the childlike trust that they persisted in believing. They were willing regardless of the odds or setbacks to stay the course and be unflinching.
“Faith is rooted in persistency which is rooted in the knowledge that “this good is for you, and you can have it.” When Jesus wished to illustrate the faith that wins, he chose an example of persistency, that won its way because of its own nature, and not because of justice, or love, or any other reason.”
– Annie Rix Militz
The Power of Persistence comes from within. The decision to keep your eyes focused on your dreams, and goals regardless of the situation. You keep moving ahead because you are the instrument through which life flows.
“Looking back over my own life I can see that some of the happiest years were those when I was struggling through as a medical student, living from hand to mouth in my early days of practice. Many times I was hungry. I was cold and ill-clad. I worked hard a minimum of about 12 hours a day. Many times I did not know from month to month where the money was coming from to pay my rent. But I did have a goal. I had a consuming desire to reach it, and a determined persistence which kept me working toward it.”
– Maxwell Maltz-
Your Persistence = A Power House That Supplies Electricity
“You are like the owner of a power house that supplies electricity for light and heat and power to the homes and factories around you. There is unlimited electricity around everywhere about you, but you have got to set your dynamo going to draw the electricity out of the air and into your power lines,
before it can be put to practical account.Just so, there are unlimited riches all about you, but you have got to set the dynamo of your mind to work to bring them into such form as will make them of use to yourself and the world.”
– Robert Collier
There is unlimited power all about you but you have to be willing to set your mind to work to bring them to pass. Do not wait for someone else to blaze your trail. The wisdom of success is within you. Focus and operate in the Law of Persistence.
By Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott