Whatever you are doing, do it with all of your might, in season and out of season, day and night, do not leave any stones un-turned. As the old proverb says;
“Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today.”
Another proverb says;
“Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.”
The Law of Compensation never sleeps. If you want to be successful and have a life of fortune conduct your business (whether professionally or personally) thoroughly. Many people are suffering and wondering why their fellow neighbors or friends are doing best than they are. That is because in all likelihood their fellow neighbors are consistently doing their very best. The person who does the job or assignment in a half-hearted manner cannot reap the full rewards of success.
Half-hearted attempts reap half-hearted results, whether in money, relationships or in business. Good success always favors the industrious, and never assists the person who sits on their hands and is unwilling to help him/herself.
Do your part of the work and the Universe will quickly come to your aid.
There is a story of two men in the desert who were very tired and wanted to settle down for the night but the camels needed to be cared for. One of the fatigued travelers said “I am going to loose my camel and trust it to God.” The other tired traveler said “no, no, no, why don’t you tie up the camel and trust it to God.”
“Do all you can for yourself, and then trust to Providence, or luck, or whatever you please to call it, for the rest.” P.T. Barnum
There are no bargains in the Universe. You get what you pay for. The payment is not always requested in finances or money, but payment is required. This is not to nullify money, since money represents the expenditure of some efforts. Bear in mind that you cannot get something for nothing.
“Life is an echo: It always returns the call sent out. Like the echo, the response is always the same as the call, and the louder the call the greater the response. When we talk of poverty we get a poverty response in our circumstances.” Unknown
The Law of Compensation in exacting in its delivery, whatever you steadfastly hold in your mind must in due course manifest in the realm of form. Whether you are conscious of it or not everything that you have power over came to you because you gave the same in some form.
So what ever you do, do it with all you might. Do it to the best of your ability because it is coming back to you.
by Lucille Farrell Scott