The thoughts that we are thinking right now attracts to us what we are thinking.
Remember the great Law of Attraction is based on the information that we are the thinkers that thinks the thoughts that becomes the thing. We think lack we will reap lack. We think abundance we will reap abundance. Concentrate on a thing and we attract all the things necessary to accomplish it.
“You attract what you need by putting a lot of thought on it, then all the necessary elements or entities come around where you can use them. A thing will build itself up if you keep your thought on it. Thoughts are materials.”
Remember Successful Thinkers Solve Problems
We as a society have been trained and educated by the religious establishment to accept as true the belief that there are insufficiencies and scarcities and that vagueness and insecurity is the norm. It is not. That idea is designed to control people and keep them in line by making them fearful. Don’t buy it!
So is money the root of all evil? Or is the love of money is the root of all evil?
Money is a form of exchange; we need money to live full and overflowing lives now. How can we assist in helping our fellow man without money. The time has come for us to change our thinking about money! Successful thinkers think! Good thinking can move our lives to a completely new, prosperous level. Set some time apart for thinking! God has given us the capacity to think!!!!
We have the God-given capacity to choose Successful thoughts.
To have successful thoughts we must be willing to change our thinking process. This is not an automatic process, as we practice good thinking our lives become more successful. The bible advises us to think on the beautiful, and lovely. WHY?
God wants us to live successful lives but it begins with our ability to choose the right thoughts. We are here for a purpose, we have the ability to change the lives of our friends and families but it all begins with the thoughts we decide to choose to think.
SO? How about not allowing the television to do our thinking for us and use our God given ability to live prosperous, successful lives.
As we change our thinking we will change our lives. Albert Einstein said “Thinking is difficult that is why so many people do not do it.”
Would you have believed that choosing to think is difficult?
Let us make a decision to be Successful, Financially, Spiritually, Professionally and Emotionally by taking the time to become better thinkers. Let utilize our mind powers and remember that good thinkers are “available learners” who are always available to learn and absorb new things.
Successful people have one thing in common. THEY THINK
What are you thinking right now?
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott