Whatever you concentrate on you draw to yourself. Do not place your attention on run of the mill, poor, and bad things in your life. Your mind will take the form and character of these things and put a stop to you from attaining success.
Begin now to appreciate the things and people in your life. As you appreciate things and people the Universe will bring things and people who will in turn appreciate you. Just make the commitment to live in a state of thankfulness and gratitude.
One writer said, “Gratitude helps you to develop a relationship with the creative energy in the universe… Good things come into your life because you have followed certain universal laws. If you are grateful, it means that you do not have to be competitive to get the things you want.”
Your grateful attitude already links you to the creative components, and therefore competition is not necessary. Think about that concept. So often we see cut-throat business dealings in the real world, but if the Law of Gratitude is truly understood, cut-throat competition is not necessary in order to be successful.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott