There are simple and successful ways to apply the Law of Gratitude. One of these ways in using a gratitude journal.
You can begin every morning by making a list of the things for which you are grateful. These things could be relationships, employment, successes and even simple things like the weather. There is no ending for the things for which you could express gratitude. The more you are grateful, the more the light of the Universe will shine on you.
This practice will help you to be in the right mindset to attract and to keep more good things that come into your life.
What a great way to start the day? Positive, happy, upbeat. Remember the way you decide to start your day is the way your complete day will be. Make a decision that you will have a day full of gratitude. Start applying the Law of Gratitude in your own life, and see what a difference it makes!
Be totally grateful for everything that you have in your life!
If this sounds repetitious it is because it is. One writer asks,
“Are you grateful for what you have in your life? Do you acknowledge that everyday when you wake up in the morning? You should. Do you know that the Law of Attraction includes the Law of Gratitude?”
By having the Law of Gratitude, the things that you believe God or the Universe will give to you that you believe you deserve, you will receive. Those people who have a spirit of ingratitude always seem to find themselves living in scarcity or not having the lifestyle they wish to have. They constantly see themselves as less than so they always receive less than they want or need.
There is no doubt that you get what you ask for, and you definitely get it in abundance. By expressing gratitude, you are indicating that the energy you put forth was in tune to what you desired; and you will obtain more of that you wish.