I now chose to live and have my being in Abundance.
Abundance! What is Abundance? Abundance is a large amount of something, an amply quality, affluence, wealth, overflow. Abundance is everywhere in our planet. Just take a look all around you. There is an abundance in nature; in the trees; in the flowers; in the birds; in the mountains; in the seas; the skies. Everywhere we look there is abundance.
Have you ever seen a beach where there is no sand?
Abundance is all yours for the taking. Just as there is an abundance in nature so there is an abundance of wealth. An abundance of money. An abundance of abundant life which includes money is yours for the receiving. Please note that there is enough wealth in the universe for everyone.
The natural state for everyone is abundance. However because we have embraced lack and the feeling of despair and confusion we do note experience the financial abundance that is available to us.
More often than not, we get in our own way – by placing in our thinking obstacles, detrimental ideas, and strange resentments that we have to clamor over to get to the honey pot. Remember… that life is energy, money is energy and there’s plenty of both.”
Begin every day by telling yourself:
- There are loads of money all around you.
- There is no shortage of money.
- All the resources and understandings that are present are accessible for those who avail themselves to it and use it.
- The God of Abundance is your God and he has permanent residence in your home.
Remember it starts with THOUGHT
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott