How do you invoke the Law of Increase?
“As you bless others and yourself with the thought of increase, people, ideas, and opportunities will be attracted to you, and new channels of success and advancement will open to you.”
Your position of increase comes to you as a result of your acts.
The Effortless Way to Increase
It is relatively effortless to invoke the Law of Increase in relation to your work. Please note that it is very important that you should make the effort to do all that you can do every day, and constantly decide to do all your work in a very proficient way.
The actual amount of work that you do is not as important as your attitude about your work. Your attitude towards your achieving increase will determine the altitude of your increase. Have you ever wondered why some people give and never seem to get anything in return while others give and receive a bounteous amount of increase? Their lives seem to be an ever increasing law of abundance?
The Power Within
When you realize your true identity; your spiritual power; you invoke the Law of Increase in your life and you open the door to the power within. As you tap into the power within, the door to all the good that the Universe has for you swings open and the fullness of power comes forth.
The power that is resident within you straightens out every crooked place, and perfects everything that concerns you. Take care to put the thought of success into everything you do. If you do not feel that you are in your right place or in congenial work, just practice using the Law of Increase anyway.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott