Expressing thanks and showing that you are well pleased. Take time right now to express gratefulness. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving. (Ps 95:2)
The whole process of mental, spiritual and material riches may be summed up in one word, gratitude. A grateful thought for any good received is in itself a prayer from the heart and blesses you. A man with a grateful heart is a happy man and a wealthy man. Shakespeare said; “O Lord, who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.”
Joseph Murphy
The Law of Gratitude Spiritual Currency
Everyone is talking about the Law Of Attraction but this law cannot work on its own. It is not the ultimate Law of the Universe. It is the outcome of the Law of Gratitude. There is only one main LAW and that is the Law Of Gratitude. All other laws are from this law.
The Law of Gratitude is the Law of Cause And Effect, but what do I mean here? It’s simple, when you are grateful you will attract (the law of attraction works through gratitude) every good thing that life can give you.
Living in Gratitude is working in harmony with the Law of the Universe – The Law Of Gratitude. In order to get results from this LAW you have to work with it. But if you become ungrateful you will draw more things into your life to be ungrateful about. Therefore attracting into your life undesirable outcomes. It is that simple.
Using Gratitude to Set up an Attitude for Successful Living
Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in your life. Applying the Law of Gratitude will greatly help you to enjoy success in life. Be grateful and thankful for the beauty of the dawn of every new day. Express gratitude for the eyes you have to see the beauty of the world, the ears you have to hear the laughter of children, the voice that enables you to speak words of love to those who need comforting.
You will attract all the things for which you are grateful. If you focus on happiness you will attract happiness, and on the other hand if you focus on negative things and scarcity you will attract negativity and scarcity. A grateful heart attracts prosperity and riches. One of the major steps to riches is living with an attitude of gratitude.
Henry Thoreau, one of the wisest philosophers of America, said, “We should give thanks that we were born.”
Could you imagine if you had not been born.
How many awesome things you would not have had the pleasure to experience. There are so many beautiful things with which you would have never come into contact. You would have never seen the beauties of nature or all the great riches all around you.
Embrace life fully and accept that using the Law of Gratitude definitely sets you up for successful living. People live in poverty and lack because they are not grateful for what they have at the present time.
A spirit of gratitude eliminates the mindset that provision is limited. Everything in the universe is to be had by each and every person desirous of having. The Law of Gratitude is based on the idea that actions and reactions are equal. Gratitude frees you from the bondage of failure and thinking that something is not possible.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott