It is time for the Radical Success WALK! In the previous article we learned more about “How we are Thinking.”
As you go on a Radical Successful Thinking Journey bear in mind that this journey is not for the faint of heart, or for those who are contented to live mediocre lives.
It should be noted that what is positioned at the back of us and what is situated in front of us are insignificant compared to what lies inside of us.
This Success Journey is very important and it begins with “Right Thinking”. Are your prepared to live a successful life? Then begin by taking risks and going fully for your dreams and goals.
Pull up your boot straps
Are there difficult people in your life who sap all your strength out of you and rob you of your great faith, power and energy. “Concentrate your whole mind on your purpose.”
Be ready to embrace your confidence, deal effortlessly with desires, and remove these toxic people and their negative energy from your environment. Remember “you will change the world only when you become the embodiment of that which you want the world to be.” Inside of every Right Thinking Person, who is thinking Powerful thoughts, is an acorn whose sole desire is to be a massive oak tree.
Right thinking individuals never despise small beginnings! All an acorn sees in itself is an oak tree. (Think about that!) What are you seeing when you look at yourself? What does your Success look like? Employ Right Thinking and do not minimize who or what you are. Even though your success may be as small as an Acorn, call them Oak Trees. By Faith Acorns become Massive Oak Trees!
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott
NEXT IN THIS SERIES: Part IV – Activate Your Success (Available on 11/28/17)
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[…] it is time to Activate Your Success. In the previous article we learned more about “Taking the Success […]