Successful People Practice Thinking Right! They learn to understand the art of living and diligently take their lives from the day dreaming state to living the life of their dreams.
Are you willing to move your life to the next level? No more Breakdowns… Only Breakthroughs.
If where you are right now in your career isn’t where you want to be, focus clearly on “up leveling” your thinking.
The bible advises that you keep your heart with all diligence because out of it comes the issues of life. I would say keep your MIND with all diligence for out of it cometh the issues of your life. Take great heed of your thoughts because what you are thinking right now could determine your success or failure. If you would focus on manifesting right thoughts you probably would begin to do something in order to get you to that next level.
It’s a simple fact that without expanding your knowledge, elevating your skills, and improving your performance, you won’t get any further than you’ve gotten so far. Just by being open and receptive to leaning concepts in right thinking. Your life will be fuller as you discover available opportunities that finally move you to a level of success in accordance with your own desires.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott
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[…] the previous article we learned that Right Thinking Brings Success! When you embrace “Right Thinking” you […]