“Each day we have a decision to make, a choice: Will we live in our destiny or live on accident? We will discover what are the specific things you can do each day to manifest your destiny. To live fully in Integrity. Create your new reality and live with abundance and purpose.”
Susie Carder
What can the Law Of Integrity Do for You?
How Do You Live In Integrity? Find your passion and develop it.
- Reclaim focus for goal realization.
- Release old patterns, negativity, and fear.
- Maintain inner peace during chaotic times.
- Learn tolerance for diversity in others.
- Release self-sabotaging road blocks.
- Find balance and homeostasis in all you do.
- Be a victor not a victim.
- Live an authentic life filled with hope and love.
- Find joy and awe in all you experience and do.
- Find the humanity in the human condition.
To manifest the keys to ALL GOOD, always operate in the “Law of Integrity” by being willing to go the extra mile!
The Law of the Extra Mile – Functioning in Integrity: Key Actions & Beliefs
- Willing to do more than your being paid for
- Serving not selling
- The Law of the Universe is the Law of Supply. There is always more than enough
- The Law of Supply and the Law of Compensation go hand in hand.
- The Law of Compensation better known as “the extra mile formula” as it relates to your business and your revenue streams. Are you functioning in Integrity.
- You must however make a demand upon the Universe and go for it with all your might. There must be an agreement that there is no need to worry or be anxious of anything.
Remember the road to success and riches are paved with integrity. Successful people place a very high value on themselves. So ask yourself, “Am I using me at my highest capacity?” Am I functioning in Integrity? You are Success-full; Full of Success. You are the Law of Integrity.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott
Visit Susie Carders site: www.susiecarder.com