Open your arms wide and embrace the Law of Creativity!
“Everyone has had the experience at one time or another of having an unusually bright idea. Some have them more often than others, some seem to be continually inspired. Such moments of insight are called hunches, bright ideas, inspirations, intuitions, strokes of genius, and other similar terms. But they all add up to the same thing something new has come into the mind.” Willis Kinnear
I’d like to share some affirmations that you can use to open up your creativity. Choose the ones that suit you best then say them everyday.
- The LORD is my shepherd all my needs are supplied.
- Today I chose to believe that I am a creative being.
- God is my perfect provider today and everyday.
- I am a successful. I am full of Success.
- I create joy, love, peace and total abundance.
- I am divinely guided in any action that I need to take now.
- I have a clear vision, measurable results and a game plan.
- I am a creative being, and I am a blessing.
- I am joyful and I chose positive, joyful thoughts for myself.
- I am successful and I love and approve of myself.
- I receive an abundance of love from friends and family.
- God has blessed and prospered my family, I embrace abundance in my home.
- I am a creative being and I am prospered beyond measure.
- Today I express gratitude for my health and life.
- I begin today praising God for all his blessings.
- Today is the day God made; I am rejoicing and being glad in it.
- I am a tree planted by the rivers of water; I am lying down by green pastures.
- I am a fruitful vine; I bring forth good fruit because I am a creative being.
I am a Creative Being
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott