Did you know that there is a Law of Thought? You think therefore you create. You are the thinker that thinks the thought that becomes the thing.
Whatever you think of constantly you create. You create your lack or abundance by your thought. Your thoughts become your supply.
The Law of Supply
The Law of the Universe is the Law of Supply. Everywhere we turn we see it on every hand. Is Nature stingy? Is there scarcity in Nature? No! Nature thrives in Abundance. Nature is lavish in everything she does. There is always an Abundance in Nature. Look at the ocean, look at the beach and see the countless grains of sand, look at the heavens at night and see millions of stars shining like diamonds, take a look at the trees with an abundance of leaves; and how about the grass.
Nature supplies everything that even the vegetation needs. When we look at all these things in nature we realize there is no place for limitations there. Nature is lavish in her abundance. There is abundance for everybody which means that there is abundance for you for me for all of us.
Right Now begin to make an application of the Law of Supply.
Remember it starts with THOUGHT
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott