Are there difficult people in your life who sap all your strength out of you and rob you of your great faith, power and energy?
Are you ready to embrace your confidence, deal effortlessly and remove these toxic people and their negative energy from your environment?
Remember “you will change the world only when you become the embodiment of that which you want the world to be.” Make the decision NOW to give your best to your future. Decide to adhere NOW to the “no exceptions rule!” What is the “no exception rule”? Continue reading!
The No-Exceptions Rule?
“Successful people adhere to the “no exceptions rule” when it comes to their daily disciplines. Once you make a 100% commitment to something, there are no exceptions. It’s a done deal. Nonnegotiable. Case closed! Over and out.
If I make 100% commitment to monogamy, that is it. I never have to think about it again. There are no exceptions no matter what the circumstances. It ends the discussion, closes the door permits no other possibility. I don’t have to wrestle with that decision every day. It’s already been made. The die had been cast. All the bridges are burned. It makes life easier and simpler and keeps me on focus. It frees up tons of energy that would otherwise be spent internally debating the topic over and over, because all the energy I expend on internal conflict is unavailable to use for creating other achievements.
If you make the 100% commitment to exercise every day for 30 minutes, no matter what, then it is settled. You simply just do it. It does not matter if you are traveling, if you have a 7:00 am television interview, if it’s raining outside, if you went to bed late last night, if your schedule is full, or if you simply don’t feel like it. You just do it anyway.
It’s like brushing your teeth before you go to bed. You always do it, no matter what. If you find yourself in bed and you have forgotten, you get out of bed and brush them. It does not matter how tired you are or how late it is. You just do it.”
Jack Canfield
No matter what is happening in your life stand by your 100% commitment; no matter what. This is your life, your dream, your vision. If you are not committed to honoring it 100% what would become of it? There is a churning in your atmosphere. Give your best to your future. Give it 100%. Think it and become it 100% of the time!!!!