The Law of Increase states that whatever you’re grateful for; whether it is time, money or opportunity you will attain more of it.
Having a spirit of gratitude creates abundance and helps you to always be very appreciative. It is important to note that everything you appreciate manifests in more quantities because the Universe itself is constantly expanding.
Man has the ability within himself to control his surroundings. As he dreams grateful dreams he creates an atmosphere of gratitude. The success, riches, wealth and supply of successful people, is greatly enhanced, expanded and increased when it is coupled with gratitude. Embrace the spirit of gratitude, which is a secret to power, and riches and total health.
The Law of Increase Is An Abiding Principle
When it comes to the Law of Increase nothing is impossible. Put one seed in the ground and the earth increases it one thousand fold. Open your hands wide and allow the Increase of the Universe to flow through you.
“All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made”
In creating increase you may think that you have to deal with two forces. You may think you have to attract good things and do away with bad things. That is untrue!
What you think about you bring about. If you think about increase you will receive increase and if you think about lack or scarcity you will bring that about.
There is an all providing source that is limitless and inexhaustible. God is the Giver of all good gifts and he is waiting to grant of increase. Trust the process and you will find it is easier to get increase.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott