For the law of Compensation to be fully present in your life you must be willing to give full value. Giving plus love equals receiving plus love. No longer must you focus on the possessions of the rich, walk in envy, and withhold what you are capable of giving.
It is very important to know that you do not give with the idea that you are bestowing charity because everything belongs to God and all his children are equally entitled to his bounteous goodness.
It is not a crime to be rich and it is not a virtue to be poor, as many of you have been taught to believe.
There must be no hoarding or thoughts of scarcity. These things impede your ability to give full value. Allow your service to circulate and as you do so your wealth will circulate.
“Your consciousness is like a stream of water. If the stream is in any way dammed up the water settles in all the low places and becomes stagnant. The quickest way to purify and reclaim the low “swampy” places in your consciousness is to let the flood from above by opening the dam.” Unknown
As you look upon the beautiful streams of water in your life allow the blessings from above to flow freely in your life.
In the quietness of your heart, daily repudiate the beliefs of greediness and covetousness, and affirm confidently the universal influence of divine justice and love.
This is how you give full value first to yourself and then to others.
By Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott