Today, it is time to Activate Your Success. In the previous article we learned more about “Taking the Success Walk.”
Success is a state of accomplishment, victory, attainment or triumph.
“You must be willing to do the things that the others won’t do in order to afford the life tomorrow that others won’t have. This requires an incredible amount of energy to make sure that the job gets done.
In order to be successful, the energy required must be above and beyond that which is commonly accepted. It takes work to reach that level of performance, since many people try to get by with as little energy as possible.
“It is not that we don’t have that energy within us, but we don’t get the results we want because we are often inconsistent and unrealistic about what it will take.” Les Brown
So what is success?
- Is success something we purchase in the grocery store?
- Is it something we travail for as many religions suggest?
These questions have caused many to give up and just live in despair believing that success is something that will always be elusive to them. What has not been shared with the masses is Right Thinking Produces Massive Success
“The amenability of the mind to the will can be increased by properly directed practice. That which we are in the habit of referring to as the, strengthening of the will is in reality the training of the mind to recognize and absorb the power within. The WILL is strong enough, it does not need the strengthening, but the mind needs to be trained to receive and act upon the suggestions of the WILL.” – William Atkinson
Right Thinking + Faith = Good Success
- Have faith in yourself and in your dreams and goal.
- Have faith in the immeasurable, boundless resources of the Universe.
- Faith gives power to your words to enable you to live a successful overflowing life.
- Faith gives life to your thoughts!
“Your belief, or faith is the element which determines the action of your subconscious mind.” – Napoleon Hill
Are you ready to embrace a life of SUCCESS today? View/Download Worksheet
List 3 Goals that will move you towards your “Right Thinking” which will result in your Success.
The greatest danger for most us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it – Michelangelo
Daily Affirmations For Success
My Right Thinking Brings Me Abundant Success!
I am a Success
I Think Myself Into the Realm of Success
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott