“You are here to sharpen your mental and spiritual tools while you grow rich in wisdom, strength and understanding, otherwise you will never discover your divinity.”
There are two types of people on the earth. People who are lifters and people who are leaners. As a lifter you must life up your desires to the point of acceptance then the manifestation will follow. As a leaner you manifest depression and stay in the realm of obstacles challenges and difficulties.
Which are you? Are you a lifter or a leaner?
Your character or mental attitude will make or break you. Just bear in mind that you are constantly revealing your character because your character is your purpose and your calling. If you are desirous of lifting up yourself and raising yourself above the fray of poverty and lack, ask God for his infinite help and you will rise to greater heights.
There is a pleasure and a joy when you grow to the next level. You were sent here by God to grow, to ascend and to discover the greatness within you. Face challenges head on and overcome them without fear.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott