Choose to live and embrace the Law Of Supply. You can never demand more than the Universe can give. Open your arms wide and welcome the Law of Supply into your Life!
Remember the Kingdom of God is within you so use it wisely. “Seek first the kingdom of God’s” Seek God’s way of doing things. Be that tree planted by the rivers of water bringing forth fruit. Make sure that your leaves are not withering and that whatsoever you are doing is prospering. Do not walk in the realm of worry. Do not walk in the realm of doubt. One writer says “do not dig up the seeds of prosperity and success to see whether they have sprouted.”
Have faith! Nourish your seeds with renewed desire. Keep before your mind’s eye the picture of the thing you want. Believe in it!
No matter if you seem to be in the clutch of misfortune, no matter if the future looks dark and dreary – Forget Your Fears!
Chose to fully embrace the Law of Supply. This Law of Supply takes you into the land of abundance. Abundance is everywhere in our planet. Just take a look all around you. There is an abundance in nature; in the trees; in the flowers; in the birds; in the mountains; in the seas; in the lakes: the skies. Everywhere we look there is abundance. Abundance is all yours for the taking. Just as there is an abundance in nature, there is an abundance of wealth, an abundance of supply.
Realize that the future is of your own making. There is no power that can keep you down but yourself. Set your goals. Forget the difficulties in the way. Keep only the goal before your mind’s eye – and you win it! Remember you are part of the great scheme of things. Supply is where you are and is definitely what you need. God is your supply. He is your provider. Jesus came to give you abundant life. A life full of total supply.
Think total supply, see total supply, feel total supply. You are SUPPLY in manifestation. The Law of the Universe is the Law of Supply. Embrace it!