Before the new year begins, I’d like to share some affirmations that you can use this year to reach your goals. Choose the ones that suit you best then say them everyday.
- I am blessed and today with Gratitude I welcome an abundance of prosperity in my life
- In Gratitude… Everyday in every way I am getting better and better
- In Gratitude… My business is expanding, I have great paying clients
- I love life, I am calm, I am serene, I am sure
- I attract great blessings every day, miracles come into my life NOW
- My bank account is increasing daily
- I am taking 2 weeks vacation this year
- I am a great student, I am a wonderful wife, I am a fantastic husband
- My friends are joyful and happy around me
- In Gratitude I make a great difference in people’s lives.
- I am willing to give up what I have for what I truly want
- I am prosperous and provided for by God
- I am loving, I am rich all my needs are supplied by God
- God is my provider, I am an abundant child of God
- I focus on this moment and always stay fully present in my NOW
- In Gratitude… God is my healer, my body is in perfect health
- God is my source, unexpected blessings are always coming my way
- I am happily married to a wonderful man of God
- My children are blessed of the Lord and I walk in Gratitude
- Wealth and riches are in my house: because God supplies all my needs
- In gratitude… The LORD is my shepherd all my needs are supplied
- In gratitude… Today I chose to believe that I deserve a wonderful life
- In total gratitude I say that God is my perfect Provider today and everyday
- I am a successful business man/woman
- I am debt free and I am trusting God to create the perfect outcome in my finances
- My mortgage is paid off and I sleep in peace every night
- I say that Divinely guided in any action that I need to take now
- I have a clear vision, measurable results and a game plan
- I drive debt free cars, I am a millionaire; I am full of success
- I make lots of money, and I am a blessing
- In Gratitude …I am joyful and I chose positive, joyful thoughts for myself
- I am successful and I love and approve of myself
- I receive an abundance of love from friends and family
- I have a great job, and I do my best everyday
- God has blessed and prospered my family, I embrace abundance in my home
- I live in a beautiful house and I am prospered beyond measure
- In Gratitude… I believe that I deserve to have fun and be happy
- Every day in every way I live a new joyful life
- Today I express gratitude for my health and life
- I begin today praising God for all his blessings
- Today is the day God made; I am rejoicing and being glad in it
- I am a tree planted by the rivers of water; I am lying down by green pastures
- I am a fruitful vine; I bring forth good fruit
- In Gratitude… God’s mercies over me are new every morning
- I am prospered by God, I am in good health
- All of my needs are met by the power of God
- In Gratitude… Money is my friend and I deserve to receive it in abundance
- In Gratitude… I love an appreciate the members of my family
- God’s presence is in my home; I live in a home of peace and joy
- We drive beautiful cars and live in beautiful homes
- God is my perfect provide today and everyday
- Jesus love me with an everlasting love
- In Gratitude… Jesus came and died to give me abundant life
- I live the abundant life that Jesus came and died for me to have
- My life is full and overflowing
- I stand on the solid Word of God. I succeed
- My home is filled with joy and fun and love
- I am guided perfectly by the mighty hand of God
- In Gratitude… I live in great peace because I love the law of God
- In Gratitude… I live and move and have my being
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott