According to your desires so be it unto you.
The universe richly gives you what you spend time thinking about. Your focus can be on good or bad things. It is important for you to remember that you have the power to bring what comes into your life. If you are grateful and happy with what you are receiving, you will attract more of it.
Are you grateful for the car or home you have? You should be grateful whether you like them or not. This will signal to the Universe that you are in a state of readiness to receive your good.
How is your Gratitude Barometer?
Take time and inhale the thought that the prerequisite for happiness is Gratitude. Once again: How is your Gratitude Barometer?
You have to be believe that the Universe is willing to offer you everything that you need, and you must focus on things that bring happiness, joy and peace. There is a Law of Gratitude and you must conform with the law in order to get results.
This law is the natural principle of action and reaction which is cosmic and universal, or to elaborate and elucidate further, it simply means that whatever you impress on you subconscious mind will be expressed.
Gratitude Draws Riches!
Being bitter and critical prevents progress from coming into your environment. After applying the Law of Gratitude for a while, it becomes a self-fulfilling forecast because the things you choose to pay attention to will manifest in your life.
Be grateful for everything that you have. Multitudes of people are kept in poverty because they do not embrace a spirit of gratitude. Whatever you focus on, you not only attract, you become. If you are not thankful for what you have at this present moment there will always be a spirit of dissatisfaction which in turn will make your life less than desirable.
Live in Appreciation: Have an Attitude of Gratitude
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott