I have the ability to choice the life that I want
“The key to your health, wealth, prosperity and success in life lies, in your wonderful capacity to make decisions.”
The ability to choose is your most distinguishing characteristic, your ultimate privilege. Your capability to choose and to put into practice what is chosen shows your authority to reproduce as a child of God.
Every morning when you awaken instead of allowing the cares of this world to flood your mind, choose to explore the wealth of the right choice. Remember that all your experiences in your life are the results of the choices that you made. So at the dawning of every new day invoke the power of choice.
Choose enjoyment, peace of mind, freedom, love, abundance, prosperity, security and abundant good health. As you awaken and activate the powers of your subconscious mind you will be compelled to set in motion all these qualities that you have chosen to be a part of your day.
Whatever our circumstances we should make positive choices every day. They determine the quality of our lives. Affirm positive lofty words and make them an active, permanent, powerful part of your life. Remember your subconscious accepts what you consciously believe.
Emerson said,
“Nothing can bring you peace but he triumph of principles,’ There is a principle of beauty, but none of ugliness; there is a principle of harmony, but none of discord; there is a principle of love, but none of hatred; there is a principle of joy, but none of sadness; there is a principle of abundance and opulence, none of deprivation and poverty; and there is a principle of right action, none of wrong action. Begin to choose what is true of God and His goodness and the riches of life will by yours.”
You have the God-given capacity to choose.
Make a decision today to choose the riches of the divinity that is within you. If you are afraid to make choices you are nullifying the God powers in you. The bible says in Galatians 6:7
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott