Are you sowing seeds of action or inaction? Without seeds of action being sowed in your life the spirit of entrepreneurship and the ability to not give up and survive against all odds lost. Be determined to strive in adversity.
“…that inaction leads to atrophy and this, in turn leads to loss of ambition and self-confidence, and without these essential qualities a man will be carried through life on the wings of uncertainty, just as a dry leaf may be carried here and there on the bosom of the stray winds.” – Napoleon Hill
While many people in their attempts to be successful try their hardest to avoid struggle, struggle may be a decided advantage. Sometimes because someone had to use great effort there were qualities that were developed that would have remained dormant but for the struggle.
There are scores of successful men and women who have testified that they found their place in the world because of adversities they had early in their lives. Being forced to work hard and do their best, gave rise to self-discipline, restraint, strength of character and many other desirable qualities which those persons who never worked hard would never know or develop.
“Not only does the lack of necessity for struggle lead to weakness of ambition and will power, but, what is more dangerous still, it sets up in a person’s mind a state of lethargy that leads to the loss of Self-confidence. The person who has quit struggling because effort is no longer necessary is literally applying the principle of Auto-suggestion in undermining his own power of Self-confidence. Such a person will finally drift into a frame of mind in which he will actually look with more or less contempt upon the person who is forced to carry on.” – Napoleon Hill
Just imagine! You may be associating with individuals who lacked persistence and quit without seeing the fulfillment of their dreams and their plans. Do not be surprised if instead of congratulating and cheering you on they will after a while, look upon you because you did not quit and abandon your struggle with disapproval and disdain. Be focused and remember that your mind is like “an electric battery.”
Napoleon Hill said,“Self-confidence is the quality with which the mind is recharged and made positive.”
Tap into your Success Creed
I believe in myself. I believe in those who work with me. I believe in my employer. I believe in my friends. I believe in my family. I believe that God will lend me everything I need with which to succeed if I do my best to earn it through faithful and honest service. I believe in prayer and I will never close my eyes to sleep without praying for divine guidance to the end that I will be patient with other people and tolerant with those who do not believe as I do. I believe that success is the result of intelligent effort and does not depend upon luck or sharp practices or double-crossings friends, fellow men or my employer.
I believe I will get out of life exactly what I put into it, therefore I will be careful to conduct myself toward others as I would want them to act toward me. I will not slander those whom I do not like. I will not slight my work no matter what I may see others doing. I will render the best service of which I am capable because I have pledged myself to succeed in life and I know what success is always the result of conscientious and efficient effort. Finally I will forgive those who offend me because I realize that I shall sometimes offend others and I will need their forgiveness.
Let your Self-Confidence flow
While nothing can bring you success like yourself you still will need self-confidence to convince people to help you, to follow you and to even invest in your ideas and your plans. Co-operation of others is necessary if your goals and dreams are large and expansive and your hope is to attain success of a far reaching nature.
Napoleon Hill says, “you will never get that cooperation unless you vitalize your mind with the positive attitude of Self-confidence.”
Surround yourself with those who seem to be advancing while others around them seem to be at a standstill. You will observe that when you study those who advance you will detect that they have confidence in themselves. Not only do they believe in themselves but they put their action where their belief is. It is not that they just believe they act out their belief.
Self-Confidence is:
- Contagious
- Impelling
- Persuasive
- Attractive to Others & Attracts Others
Embrace your self-confidence. Believe in yourself, but do not tell the world what you can do – SHOW IT!
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott