“The human mind, if you will pardon repetition, may be likened to an electric battery. It may be positive or it may be negative. Self-confidence is the quality with which the mind is re-charged and made positive.” – Napoleon Hill
The lesson for today is focusing on belief in one’s abilities. Self-confidence is the key to success in all areas. There is no limit on your potential. Every day you are making the decision to achieve personal failure or personal success. Remember that there is no limit to your potential.
Self–confidence is necessary to achieve success. Open your hands wide!!!
The development of self-confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear, which sits upon a man’s shoulder and whispers into his ear, “You can’t do it – you are afraid to try – you are afraid of public opinion – you are afraid that you will fail – you are afraid you have not the ability.”
This fear demon is getting into close quarters. Science has found a deadly weapon with which to put it to flight, and this lesson on self-confidence has brought you this weapon for use in your battle with the world-old enemy of progress, fear.
The six basic fears are:
- Poverty.
- The fear of Old Age.
- The fear of Criticism.
- The fear of Loss of Love of Someone.
- The fear of Ill Health.
- The fear of Death.
Study the list, then take inventory of your own fears and ascertain under which of the six headings you can classify them.
Your self-confidence is developed with constant use.
When you remember that fear can cause you to lose your self-confidence you can begin to develop strategies that will help you to minimize fear in your environment. Unchallenged fear causes you to become a quitter. It reduces your ambition to take risks and opportunities that are tainted with fear lose their ability to propel you forward.
Just as a great rain cloud blocks the sunshine so the cloud of fear blocks your vision to your greatness. When fear is allowed unchecked you begin to accept the status quo; you accept the existing state of affairs. By not utilizing self-confidence, the faculties of your mind like the limbs of the body deteriorate and waste away from lack of usage. Lack of motivated action leads to indecisiveness, lethargy and loss of self-confidence. When you allow fear to immobilize you and minimize your self-confidence you are always weighed in the balances and found wanting.
Dr. Lucille Farrell Scott